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This article reminds readers about what is unsettling about decolonization. Decolonization brings about the repatriat...
Think Before You Appropriate is a practical guide for creators and designers to develop responsible and respectful re...
In October 2019 PC/Cp invited theatre pioneers, Dipankar Mukherjee and Meena Natarajan of Pangea World Theater in...
Towards Braiding, the collaborative research of Elwood Jimmy and Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti interrogates the 'busi...
The impetus for this research report came directly from Indigenous performing artists - mostly those who work in thea...
In April and May 2018, Primary Colours/Couleurs primaires designed, organized and facilitated two back-to-back at Ba...
This article discusses the increasing use of the term ‘decolonization’ and challenges the definition formulated by Tu...