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At the Primary Colours/Couleurs primaires gathering last September at the Songhees Wellness Centre on Lekwungen Ter...
In April and May 2018, Primary Colours/Couleurs primaires designed, organized and facilitated two back-to-back reside...
Peter Morin: I repeat to myself, space is complicated. Bodies are complicated. Relationships between bodies are co...
At the first-of-its-kind Primary Colours/Couleurs primaires Indigenous and People of Colour artist gathering in 2017,...
Freedom of expression in a special space. Several topics emerged as soon as the workshop began, such as curiosity ...
This report serves as a memory of the keynote performance and address, panellist presentations and deep discussion th...
Naomi Johnson at the PC/Cp Gathering 2017 on Lekwungen territory. Photo credit: Kirk Schwartz. I must begin by t...
knitting needles I was invited to lead a bilingual inter-generational conversation with Guy Sioui-Durand on the to...
The session I led was on Community, Ethics, and Art. We had a small group of about fifteen people in the session, m...
Chris: France, you mentioned the other day that the Lekwungen welcoming was an essential part of our gathering. I con...
The program design session was held March 30th, 31st and April 1st 2009 at the Banff Centre. The objective was to ben...