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In April and May 2018, Primary Colours/Couleurs primaires designed, organized and facilitated two back-to-back reside...
This report was commissioned by the Canadian Public Arts Funders (CPAF) network to provide a broad overview of the th...
In order to explore two questions, the role of Indigenous artists in community and how this role impacts training, I ...
The author uncovers some of the history of Black artists in the Halifax art world—a history, which is buried too deep...
The program design session was held March 30th, 31st and April 1st 2009 at the Banff Centre. The objective was to ben...
The present research report is based on a survey focused on Indigenous non-profit cultural organizations in the provi...
This study is intended to survey management practices of Aboriginal and culturally diverse organizations, and to indi...
Tsi Non :We Tewèn :Teron - Là où est notre maisonArtists collective invited by Ondinnok, 2017Report, PDF On May 17 a...
Background: The purpose of this report is to provide a bird’s eye informational view of existing venues and spaces ...
The impetus for this research report came directly from Indigenous performing artists - mostly those who work in thea...
In April and May 2018, Primary Colours/Couleurs primaires designed, organized and facilitated two back-to-back at Ba...
Leaders from Aboriginal arts and culture fields gathered in Banff in February 2008 to dialogue issues concerning the ...